【置顶】文化溯源——《和博释》和博释 天之时,地之利,天地时利。 人之和,心之博,人心和博。 和者,情相融,意相投,人人相处,心无间道,同呼共吸,共进并发,此和谐也; 沐清岚,浴紫阳,日落月起,朝暮相接,天地之间,万物祥聚,此和美也。 博者,广为之,多思之,亲躬践行,善至始终,行知相宜,知行相通,此博学也; 心地宽,气高洁,容量似海,忍者有节,察微求真,巨细相偕,此博大也。 英文版: Exact time and terrain advantage, It is just at theright time and at the right place. People in harmony and abundant generosity,people are of one mind. What is harmony? Having the same interest and goal,they get along well with each other with complete trust. When struggling forthe future, they go through thick and thin together. What is beauty? Sunlightfloods the earth. Clouds and mist are curling up. Keeping circulating, the sunrises and the moon sets. Evening follows morning and everything thrives. Peoplewho are knowledgeable often think deeply, carry out by actual efforts, relatetheory to practice, start well and end well. The one who is broad and profoundhas a broad mind, possesses a sharp sense of integrity, owns capacity as thesea, observe carefully and pursue the truth. All this will be shown in HOBO.Eruditeness is homophonic explanation of HOBO in Chinese. |